IP Conferences
Sep 26, 2023

Workshops and Speakers of Marques Conference 2023

Dive into the heart of IP law at the Marques 2023 Conference in Berlin, where industry leaders share invaluable insights on emerging trends and strategies in the digital age. This guide offers a glimpse into the deep-dive workshops and introduces the stellar lineup of speakers ready to grace the event with their expertise. From exploring recent developments in Chinese IP law to understanding the nuances of sustainability regulations in Europe, the conference promises a rich learning experience. Stay tuned for a journey through 'The Next Frontier' in the IP law landscape. Welcome to Marques 2023!

Workshops and Speakers of Marques Conference 2023

Workshops and Speakers of Marques Conference 2023

Today marks the day we have all been eagerly waiting for - the commencement of the Marques 2023 Annual Conference. As we find ourselves in the vibrant city of Berlin, a place where history meets modernity, we are set to embark on a journey of learning and networking with the brightest minds in the IP law industry. The conference, themed 'The Next Frontier,' promises to be a melting pot of insights, knowledge, and future-forward discussions with astellar lineup of speakers who are leaders in their respective fields.

From legal experts to industry pioneers, these speakers will share their perspectives on topics such as emerging trends in intellectual property, the impact of technology on IP law, and strategies for protecting brands in the digital age. Attendees can also look forward to engaging workshops where they can delve deeper into specific areas of interest. With its diverse range of sessions and networking opportunities, Marques 2023 Annual Conference is sure to leave a lasting impact on all who attend.

Before you step into this world of intellectual discourse, let us guide you through the deep-dive workshops and introduce you to the industry stalwarts who will be gracing the event with their presence.


The workshops at Marques 2023 are designed to offer attendees a rich learning experience, delving deep into the pressing topics in the world of IP law. Here, we explore each workshop in detail:

  • Chinese IP/TM Updates: This workshop promises a comprehensive update on the recent developments and cases in China. Moderated by Mirjam de Werd, it features insights from Julia Zhong and Mr. Ma, the President of the China Trademark Association. The session will foster a dialogue between practitioners from Europe and China, offering a holistic view of the IP landscape in China.
  • Geographical Indications (GIs): The MARQUES Geographical Indications Team takes you on a journey through the complex world of GI protection. Learn about the potential trademark conflicts in the EU and gain insights into the developments and challenges that lie ahead in the GI space.
  • Sustainability Regulations in Europe: The MARQUES Regulatory Team brings to light the nuances of integrating sustainability into brand operations. The workshop will delve into certification processes, legal trends in EU jurisdictions, and how brand legal teams can navigate the high expectations set by business and marketing teams while adhering to sustainability claims.


As we navigate through the workshops, it is the speakers who will bring life to each session with their expertise and insights. Let's get acquainted with some of the industry leaders:

  • Antony Douglass: The Chair of the MARQUES Council from Specsavers Optical Group Limited, Antony will be a central figure throughout the conference, sharing insights during the MARQUES Annual Review and summing up the conference during the conclusion.
  • Eva Schewior: As the President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, Eva will inaugurate the conference, setting a prestigious tone for the event with her opening remarks.
  • Simone Pelkmans: Representing Deloitte Legal, The Netherlands, Simone will chair a session that explores the dynamic cultural environment and how it poses both challenges and opportunities for brands.
  • Leo Longauer: A member of the MARQUES Council and IP Emerging Issues Team from LVMH, France, Leo will lead a panel that delves into the potential, rewards, and risks that brands face in the evolving metaverse.


Marques 2023 Conference is your gateway to the future of IP law. With workshops and talks from the industry's leading figures, you have the chance to learn and explore this field more deeply. Network with those who are passionate about IP law, engage in discussions, and experience the transformation this conference brings. The Marques 2023 Conference is not just an event; it is an experience, a journey through 'The Next Frontier' in the IP law landscape.

Stay tuned as we continue to bring you updates from this grand event, and here's to a day of learning, networking, and stepping into the future of IP law. Welcome to Marques 2023!

Wolfgang Danner

Wolfgang Danner

Wolfgang Danner, Chief Commercial Officer, boasts 20 years in the Intellectual Property Service Provider industry. He spearheads global business development, expertly guiding partner acquisition and retention while shaping our service's marketing and strategic expansion.